the eric update – day 749: The Improbable Occurs.

it is true that laws of probability and randomness state that given enough time two toddlers will, in fact, sit still for a few moments. but it’s still pretty amazing to see it happen “in the wild”, even if it’s just random chance doing its thing. i mean, if you sit around flipping coins long enough you’re bound to get a string of 10 “tails” in a row. two toddlers and sitting still is like that. but if you add one or more toddlers then the system goes all chaotic and unstable, the normal laws of probability do not apply, and i’ve hear that you can go for years without any stillness. you might think of it as a emergent toddler perpetual motion machine, but really it siphons off energy from any nearby adults of sorts, but really it siphons off energy from any nearby adults, so it’s not, properly speaking, a perpetual motion machine per se. but it’s an honest mistake.

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