the eric update – day 311: guys and dolls.

it’s funny how easily one can slip into the easy habit of subconsciously reinforcing gender stereotypes at a very early age, especially when it comes to toys. even though i’m relatively cognizant that savvy marketing is behind the perceived difference between a barbie doll and, say, g.i. joe, i’ll admit that i had to pause when kris came home and pulled a doll out of a bag from a recent shopping trip. it’s certainly not that i’m against boys playing with dolls; in fact, it’s fascinating to me that my first, immediate reaction was surprise that she hadn’t picked him up a dump truck precisely because i didn’t really think i had any preconceived notions about what makes an appropriate toy for a boy. in theory, i didn’t care, but there it was, the surprised reaction, proving that maybe i did. just a little at least.

of course, odin doesn’t care one wit and quite likes his new doll. it looks a little like him ( and is a bit bigger than he himself was when he was born ) and he likes playing with the doll’s face when he’s not using its hands to sooth his teething pain.

so, maybe now i’ll be a little more prepared if someday he asks for a barbie doll.

further reading:
toys for boys and girls
avoiding gender stereotypes
GUYS AND DOLLS: Breaking Out of the Gender Box
gender identity

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