since we’re running a little low on new reading material for odin , we decided to take advantage of our unseasonably warm weather and go on a field trip by walking to our local library!
i guess you never know, but we sure hope odin thinks that libraries are supercool.
maybe we could help convince him if more librarians sent him a postcard ( ahem)
while it might look as if we picked out a lot of books, kris has the crazy idea of reading odin at least one or two new books a day instead of one or two the same old books everyday. so this is maybe 10 days of reading. with so many children’s books to choose from we pretty much chose them at random and haven’t ever heard of most of them. we’re certainly open to recommendations for age appropriate reading material.
and yes, “Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood” and “Raising Cain : Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys” are for us. i can’t remember how we found out about the books, but the reviews look interesting. then again, i have yet to find a “parenting” book that’s worth more than the paper it’s printed on, so it’s more likely than not that they are both cleverly disguised steaming piles of crap. but hope springs eternal.
hmmm. maybe i should start an odin book club.