on virtual and real worlds colliding.

kris was attending a community function today with odin and ran into someone new to town who had started reading the website before they moved here. this has happened so many times over the years that i’ve lost count, and really it’s not that surprising given how natural it is for people nowadays to google the area before making a move and run across Odin’s Adventures and Other Things. some people find the whole thing just a bit weird, but i’ve always enjoyed meeting people through the website and hearing how they can relate to this or that Adventure.

i must admit thoug, i’ve always been much more amused to meet the smaller group of people who were reading the site before we moved to lovely southwest wisconsin – one of whom even had a young child named odin:

You may not believe this, but our son Odin West Rhode is the one that moved away from Viroqua. I’m floored! I found your photos just after our boy was born 5/15/06, and for peet’s sake, what’s the odds of you moving to Viroqua.

amusingly, i later borrowed their jigsaw they left behind with a mutual friend and broke it while building the coop for The Girls.

’tis truly a small world after all.

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