well, sort of new ( to us ). if you follow along on twitter you already know the piano arrived a month ago and then we took the trip to the u.p. and now i’ve gotten myself so far behind in storytelling, i don’t know if i’ll ever catch up
the piano was given to its previous owners on the condition that they give it away when the time came which happened to coincide with when we were looking for a piano. it’s hard to imagine, but i suppose if we ever decide to become piano-less, we’ll give it away as well.
we’re lucky enough to have a capable piano tuner in the area and he came by and quickly fixed some broken hammers and gave it a initial tuning. after the piano has "rested" for a bit, we’ll get ivory on a few keys replaced and have the final tuning done.
as with everything else, he’s a quick study and has already taken to practicing major third harmonic intervals and little melodies. he says he’s interested in having an occasional 15 or 20 minute lesson and we’ve found a local teacher trained in the suzuki method who has agreed try a few lessons to see if he finds them agreeable.
if so, great and if not, that’s great too – i’ll just have that much more time to practice my family holiday piano sing along songs.