ah yes, one of the oldest parenting conundrums in the book, how much time with your kid is enough?
relatedly, odin has been ab-so-freaking-lutely enjoying his two days a week of preschool and it would seem that he’d probably be happy to spend even more time with his new friends, but that comes at the expense of quality time with us ( or more correctly, kris ). what if your kid wants to spend less time with you
Surely it’s a good thing when your child wishes to spend less time with you. It shows that he is secure in the knowledge that you love him and will be there when he needs you. Which, in my experience, will be at least until he’s 30 (that’s as far as our eldest has got!) After all we are lent our children to prepare for their lives, and the sign of good parenting is when well adjusted, capable and loving adults are ready to go out into the world on their own. Congratulations on a well adjusted, confident and inquisitive small boy.
I have literally had the door to daycare slammed in my face. “Bye, mama!”
When S was out of daycare for 5 days during the October Surprise storm, she missed her friends terribly and asked for them every single day.
Obviously, the “right” amount of time depends on the individuals involved, but I think that you have a very well-adjusted boy on your hands, one who’s ready to explore the world with his peers while you stand back and watch.