the eric update – day 850: the boy who did not like halloween?

i have to admit that we were excited to see what odin thought of his third halloween ( how is that possible?!), since it was to be the first halloween where he would have some awareness of the holiday and all its trappings, including of course, costumes and candy. so, for weeks we’ve been reading books such as mouse’s first halloween and he’s been watching kris make his frog costume while hearing about how much fun it can be to walk around the neighborhood trick-or-treating.

but odin has never been exactly keen on the whole idea and today put his foot down and said in no uncertain terms that he did not want to go out for candy. he’s certainly not impressed with the sight of seeing other kids in costumes and the only way we could get him to don his froggie outfit was to tell him that we were taking a picture for grandma and grandpa.

the irony is that we’ve never been huge fans of the north american version of the holiday and its emphasis on gathering bucketloads of candy. not that it’s a national tragedy or anything like that – maybe we’ve just had too many years of having snotty adolescents not wearing costumes landing on our doorstep and demanding handfuls of candy.

hi. ho. maybe next year.

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