odin ( and then kris ) caught a summer cold late last week; we’re not sure, but he likely picked something up at the rock and roll library show while sharing a lemonade with some new toddler friends and then passed it on to kris.
so, even though i ranted about painted windows and how it’s possible to live without air conditioning, sometimes you have to give in, you know, for the children. and the wife
i still stand by a majority of what i wrote – namely that you can keep an older home substantially cooler that it otherwise might be and not have to use air conditioning most of the time by using a little common sense. but when it’s still 90+ F ( 32 C ) at 10 p.m. and there are sick people in the house, it’s time to compromise. and you think it’s easy to get an air conditioning unit on a sunday in a small town after 5 p.m. days into a heat wave, i’m here to tell you it’s not. it takes initiative. and an 80 mile drive.
and besides, i can always fall back on one of my favorite walt whitman quotes:
“Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)”