o.k. sure. a little ecchymosis or bruising is almost certainly guaranteed as toddlers begin to explore their surroundings and of course, odin has already had his share of Really Big Ouchies.
but it’s still difficult to not feel really, really bad when your the one giving your child a bath, enjoying the moment as he walks around the tub and splishes and splashes and giggles and laughs only to watch in horror as he slips and falls head-first into the bathtub water spout resulting in a solid, loud “thud” and a cry that’s starts with long, silent attempt to catch one’s breath.
after i determined that he hadn’t lost any teeth or had a gaping gash in his head, i thought is was a certainty that he’d at least have a black eye that would be perfectly timed for the all the holiday season photo opportunities.
but it appears that he really only ended up with a slight bruise under his eye which, although it looks less worse in a photograph than “real life”, is really not nearly as bad as the other bruises i’ve perpetrated.
kris doesn’t mention it, but i suspect that she secretly is keeping track of the fact that no bruising has yet occurred on her watch