a caffeine allergy?

i’ve begun to suspect recently that i might be allergic to caffeine. at first i thought the asthmatic-ish response that i could repeatedly self induce it might be specific to coffee but it seems that caffeinated tea and soft drinks also produce the effect, albeit in milder form.

interestingly ( at least to me ), i only noticed it after once again attempting to go wheat-free to alleviate the effects of my presumed wheat allergy. what’s amusing is that as i’ve previously written i’ve always been a little suspect of people who claim to be allergic to foods:

“i’ve always binned food allergies and intolerances in roughly the same category as sick building syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome. i won’t deny your right to claim that you might suffer from these broadly defined and difficult to prove maladies, but i was quiet sure i’d never suffer from them and was always a little suspicious of people who claimed to fall victim to them.”

but it’s hard for me to deny that if i don’t eat wheat and cut down on the caffeine i don’t have to take supplemental allergy medicines and i can breath much easier.

and beyond all that, why-oh-why does it need to be wheat and caffeine, which were two staples of my diet? maybe next i can develop a response to eggs and nuts and make it effectively impossible for me to eat anything.

i suspect that the conspiratorial homunculus has somehow figured out how to confound me once again.

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