we thought that odin’s first opportunity to play dollhouse with his cousins ruby and evelyn would be a fantastic opportunity to once again subtly reinforce the idea that playing with dolls is just as fun a way to pass the time as smashing toy cars.
but instead of playing with the dolls odin quickly decided that his time was best spent doing odd jobs around the house, including fixing the broken front door.
certainly in this respect, as kris will readily testify, he is not his father’s son.
maybe i should get him a utility belt and power tools so he can make some progress on the “honey do” list.
evelyn looks on as odin tries and tries again to figure out how to best fit the door in the doorjamb.
anyone who has ever tried to replace a door will know that it’s really not as easy as it appears
i guess sooner rather than later i’ll have to get him acquainted with the wonders of a sawsall.