longtime readers may remember that october 8th is a very special day for us since it was the day that odin odin came home from the nicu! i know i’ve said it before, but you get to hear me say it again – it’s literally almost impossible to imagine that a whole year has passed and we certainly could not have let ourselves believe what a happy , healthy boy he’s become.
and since it’s his homecoming anniversary day that can only mean that his cousin evelyn will be having her first birthday in a few days, which is why we thought it might be nice to have him practice his john hancock on her birthday card. of course, on this particular day, mister serioso preferred to intently study the card while holding the crayons, looking at us as if we were crazy for trying to get him to deface the card.
so no, smarty pants, he’s not sending himself a card for his age adjusted birthday, but if you dropped one in the mail ( click here for the current address ) soon, i’m sure you could probably get one to him on time