the postcard project: dumfries, scotland.

update: after further clarification the postcard project judges have officially ruled that this entry is from dumfries, scotland and not manchester, england as they originally thought.

we’ll definately have to visit manchester, england since vanillasky ( and here ) has already sent odin one of our favorite postcards and a favorite shirt in addition to this lovely card featuring a castle that we presume is near manchester.

perhaps she can give us a little more detail about exactly where it’s located so we start planning our england adventure 🙂

words can’t really convey how much it means to us when someone we’ve never met spontaneously sends a postcard to odin to encourage him ( and us ) to come explore.

i like to imagine that when he’s older we’ll have lots of fun sifting through postcards learning about all the locales trying to decide which place to visit next.

[ see the postcard project slideshow. ]

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