the eric update – day 433: odin’s first football game!

the return of football is a sure sign that autumn is fast approaching in the midwest.

but one this particular day summer hasn’t completely given way to fall and these poor 10 year olds have to play in 90 F ( 32 C ) heat in full regalia. ack!

odin’s cousin mitchel plays for the team in black who had a hard time finding their game against the green team who one parent remarked come from a school district that seems to breed outstanding players.

i can’t say odin thought much of the football game what with the a set of infinitely more interesting keys laying around. but even though he was nap deprived and forced to sit for what must have seemed to have been an interminable length of time in insufferable heat ( and yes smartypants, he was actually sitting under an unbrella in the shade for most of the time ), he was a superchamp and didn’t complain once.

it’s still almost impossible to fathom how different things were exactly a year ago when we snuck away from the nicu to watch a football game on a day when the big news was that odin was stable enough to wear pajammas with footies.

today he was stable enough to impress everyone with his ability to stand unassissted, although i’m still not fast enough to catch it on “film” 🙂

could it be possible that next year at the start of football season, he might be big enough run up and down the sidelines yelling encouragements to his cousin?

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