the eric update – day 347: odin visits great grandma snowdeal!

while people from other parts of the country ( and world ) often remark that they think that our surname snowdeal is one of the strangest family names that they’ve ever heard, it’s actually more common than you might guess in down east maine and especially on one particular street near the water in the small town of jonesboro, maine where odin’s great grandparents and great aunts and uncles all settled down many years ago; if memory serves me, i think they may have all built on land owned by even more ancestral snowdeals ( i’m sure grandpa eric snowdeal will correct me if i’m wrong ).

as you can see odin thinks it’s a lot of fun to get acquainted with his great grandmother snowdeal who probably never dreamed that her husband’s name would get carried on through a fourth generation ( some new visitors might not even know that odin is a nickname and that given birthname is eric c snowdeal iv ). sadly, odin’s great grandfather passed away a few years ago and although it’s unfortunate that odin will never get a chance to meet his namesake, we’re pretty sure that we already can see a little bit of his great grandfather when he smiles.

gigi ( which she prefers to be called over great grandma ) has been faithfully printing out every single picture since he was born so that local family and friends can follow along with odin’s adventures even if they don’t have access to a computer.

amazingly, she’s just started to add pictures to a twelfth binder and i’m sure she’ll fill a few more in the coming months!

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