the eric update – day 251: meeting another miracle boy!

today we went on a field trip to chicago and had a chance to visit some friends who have their own little miracle boy.

at 27 weeks gestation carter’s mom experienced what is known as a premature rupture of membranes ( PROM ). while the cause of PROM is often unknown, delivery can often be delayed by bedrest and drugs. however when carter’s parents went to the hospital they discovered that his heart wasn’t beating, which forced an immediate c-section. the doctor’s didn’t allow his father in the operating room during the procedure because they didn’t expect him to survive. and even after he was delivered and recusitated the professional’s opinion was that he wouldn’t live more than 12 hours.

well, apparently carter didn’t listen to the professionals because he went home after 76 days in the neonatal intensive care unit and he’s now getting ready to celebrate his 16th month as a happy, healthy boy who likes to show visitors how well he run around the house. and when he’s not impressing his parents by saying “mamma” and “dadda”, he’s been known to express himself by using his vast repertoire of “baby signs”. quite impressive, indeed!

carter’s parents have been a tremendous source of support for kris and i over the past 251 days, so it was great to have a chance to finally see them and meet their miraculous bundle of joy for the first time.

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