08.10.09 update:
finally, after a 3 year hiatus, i’m relaunching the postcard project and you can once again send odin a postcard. always check postcards from budapest for the latest address.
after much procrastination, i’m finally going to get around to slowly uploading all the postcards that odin has received since his birth . i have some crazy plans to geocode each postcard and create whizzy webpage that shows where each postcard came from, but now i’m going to be realistic and just start scanning them in.
this was not the first postcard we received, but it certainly was one of the most special
the fine folks at flickr have been mighty supportive since the very beginning and for that we’re much obliged.
oh, i should probably note that even though he’s not in the hospital anymore, you can still send him a postcards. we had big plans to visit each locale that we get a postcard from, but we’ve already received so many that we might have trouble getting to them all. but don’t let that stop you from sending as many as you’d like
i probably won’t post too many individual postcards here, so go and checkout the the postcard project on flickr. it’s particularly fun as a slideshow.