the eric update – day 114: everybody poops. sometimes.

well the big news today was that odin pooped!

you see after a long streak ( ha! no pun intended ) of being quite regular, he handn’t pooped for almost 5 whole days; a few people told us not to get too concerned, but we broke down this morning and called our peditrician who confirmed that it was nothing to be worried about as long as he didn’t appear to be in pain.

apparently wee ones can be quite efficient at utilizing milk, especially if they’re gearing up for a growth spurt and can even go as long as a week without pooping. in the nicu, they were very aware of how much and how often he pooped and any slowdown was carefully monitored. if he went longer than 24 hours then they’d give him a suppository to keep everything moving along. but i guess we’re not in the nicu anymore and now he gets to poop whenever he wants.

while i’m talking about poop, i suppose it’s appropriate to put my two cents in on The Great Diaper Debate. i think i agree that no matter what anyone will tell you, nobody knows whether cloth or disposable diapers are better for the environment. so we decided to go with the convenience of a disposable diaper with an eye towards at least trying to be somewhat environmentally friendly and sensitive to what kinds of materials we were putting against odin’s skin.

so after much consideration we opted to use tushies diapers which are free of artificial chemical absorbants found in many “natural” diapers and made from blend cotton and wood pulp fluff.

so far, we’re very happy with them. they cost about the same as traditional disposables and seem to control leaks much better than your average eco-friendly brands.

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