ipod hacks

i finally got around to

taking my ipod apart

by following the directions in

“complete ipod dissembly”

. if i gently shake the drive, i can hear a loose, rattling
sound, so i’m assuming that it’s foobarred.

unfortunately, but not surprisingly, it looks like the

have a

magick partitioning scheme

, which prevents me from just putting in a plain-vanilla

toshiba 10 GB (HDD1262) hard drive

, which is what’s in there now. harrummph. it looks like the best
you can do is try to scavenge a properly formatted drive off

. as luck with would have it, there’s a

30 gigger

for sale at a fairly reasonable price [ at least at this point and
relative to getting a new 30 GB ipod ], but i’m not sure if it’ll
fit in my 10 gig case. the specs between the

10 gig


30 gig

look identical, except for a 3mm difference in the height of the
drives [ and yes, all you smarty pants in the peanut gallery, the
pin-outs are



too ].

i’m tempted to just risk the hundred bucks or so for the 30 gig
properly formatted drive, but i wish i has something to test the
old drive beyond the “shake test” to ensure that it’s really the
root cause of the dead ipod and not something else. if anyone has
successfully upgraded a 2nd generation 10 gig ipod with a 30 gig
drive, i’d love to hear about it.

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