terri gross doing "sweeps week" stunts?

i haven’t bothered to listen to the interview
beteen terry gross and bill o’reilly, but the

response from npr’s ombudsman

is interesting:

“I believe the listeners were not well served by this
interview. It may have illustrated the “cultural wars” that seem to
be flaring in the country. Unfortunately, the interview only served
to confirm the belief, held by some, in NPR’s liberal media bias.

It left the impression that there was something not quite right
about the reasons behind this program: Bill O’Reilly often loves to
use NPR as his own personal political pinata; and NPR keeps helping
him by inviting him to appear.” .

what was most disturbing to me is that it was
done right before the traditional

“fall fund drive” and could be interpreted as a cheap attempt at a
“sweeps week” style stunt. they don’t seem to be shy about pimping the gene simmons fiasco during the fund drives. maybe i’m just being cynical.

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