countergoogling customers

i’ll admit it. i’ve


in the past:

“Pay attention, marketers: remember Roger &
Peppers, evangelizing 1:1 customer relationships back in 1997?
Well, just when you finally have your company’s customer databases
and filtering tools all worked out, and you actually identified
that Lego-loving dentist in Taipei and emailed him a personalized
offer for a family holiday in Denmark, Google changes the name of
the game with a vengeance.”

although i agree with matt that it,

“…could actually be something that gets built into new business

, i usually find that i need to go to unusual lengths to prevent
the recipient from feeling like i’m a wierd blogstalking corporate
tool. up to this point, i’ve reserved my countergoogling powers for
rather benign purposes; i specifically restrict the activity to
people who have mentioned

in a blog. i, of course, see this as simply starting a friendly
conversation and happily it has all worked out for the better so
far, but i think it definately needs to be used with caution. [ via ev ]

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