The Great Shake Debate


mentions a debate which i never thought was debatable –

which spice should go in the shaker with more and/or bigger holes

. of course, everyone knows that salt goes in the shaker with more
holes so you can get right to the business of coating all manner of
frieds goods with a yummy layer of salt. or so i thought.
apparently there are more than a few confused individuals who think
it’s actually pepper that deserves the bigger holes. blasphemers.

luckily the issue is quickly laid to rest by a commenter who points
to the

The International Guild of Professional Butlers FAQ


“Protocol and Etiquette Consultant John G. Robertson
responds: The salt shaker may be distinguished primarily by the
size of the holes, and then by the number of holes. Salt is coarser
than pepper, and needs the larger hole. It is also heavier and
flows much more freely than pepper, accordingly there are often
fewer holes on the salt shaker to help control the flow. However,
there is no manufacturing standard.”

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