rolling out the galaxie 5 oh oh

nothing says spring like putting the


on the road for the first time since fall. after a winter of
driving the oh-so-sensible jetta

station wagon, i almost forgot how much fun it is fire up the old
school badassedness that is a 1965
galaxie 500


i was surprised when it started, after judicious pumping of the gas
pedal [ aha! how many of you remember when you hand to pump the gas
pedal before starting a car? ]. i forgot to unhook the battery
before storing it for the winter and i was pleasantly surprised
when the i didn’t find the battery to be completely drained.

unfortunately i was foiled in my first fix-it project of the year.
the drivers side window won’t roll down anymore, which i thought
was a simple case of the crank being stripped. it didn’t take long
to determine that it wasn’t the crank and before i knew it i more
of the door disassembled than i planned and still couldn’t get at
the crank innards, which is hidden behind an acre of steel that
doesn’t want to budge. i’m fortunate to have the original shop
manual, but it only dedicates a paragraph to fixing the window
crank. i suspect i’m missing something blindingly obvious.

i rather enjoy getting greasy and finding an excuse to bang on
metal. perhaps i’ll have to start a new blog to chronicle the
trials and tribulations of restoring the galaxie to her original

i’m sure the neighbors will appreciate it if i put it up on blocks in the front yard.

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