it’s the communication, stupid.

it’s interesting to juxtapose the


about computing and communication:

“One of the things that I keep coming back to is the importance of communication. I started using computers regularly when I was about 5 years old. At that time, we thought computers were for, you guessed it,

. Even some of the people who invented the PC itself took 10 or 15 or 20 years to figure out that a personal computer’s highest calling was for communication.”

with an oldie but a goodie from the archives on
why content isn’t king


“”Imagine the discussions that must have gone on around the invention of the telephone: a new medium for delivering content directly to households. Indeed, that was exactly how some people did use it. In Budapest you could pick up the telephone and listen to music and news until the first world war… It didn’t turn out that way because people preferred listening to each other: they preferred “self-generated” content.”

“Companies with a strategy that facilitates communication between people, a strategy that facilitates self-generated content, will prosper as the world becomes more interactive and broadcast becomes just one sector of a much richer media world.””

there is nothing new under the sun.

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