lot’s of stuff going on today. i’ll ignore the obvious until i’ve had time to let it sink in.

in other news stolen from dave – at least we know now what knownow is all about:

“KnowNow calls this intermediate step “event routing,” capturing information from one source — a central computer or, perhaps, a PC at the edge of a network — and then publishing it to PCs and other devices. All of this takes place along a connection that stays open, and it’s impressive stuff.”

the fact that rohit is on the jabber.com board will presumably lead to an announcment soon. the possibilities for jabber.com do indeed boggle the mind:

“I think IM will provide you a way to drive your applications based on events, subscriptions, and publications in a way that hasn’t been done before. Check out the KnowNow stuff and think about combining that with IM.

One application I’m working on that combines these two is a data monitoring application for our network operations center which monitors 37 million transactions a day, 60 POPs on five continents, and each transaction contains about a dozen data points. There isn’t anything out of the box that will do what we want. We don’t want to invest a year in building a custom HP Openview. We have to do it in a way that won’t kill our data warehouses. We need to monitor the health of the software producing the data, the data itself, the data movement, every point in between, and have the ability to drill into a single transaction. While monitoring a single transaction isn’t expensive, producing a meaningful top level view is _very_ expensive. If I have a way to monitor the data as it is arriving and incrementally include it rather than running huge queries against the database or against the data held in memory, I have a much more efficient and scalable system. This is what the combination of KnowNow’s technology and Jabber is going to do for us. KnowNow’s technology give us interface tools and a way to route the data to the appropriate user and Jabber gives us the ability to build more sophisticated rules and trigger other events based on arriving data.”

langreiter gets bonus points for the most concise summary of the javascript microserver: “A web server. Written in JavaScript. Running in your browser.”

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