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“The Apache::VMonitor module provides even better monitoring functionality than top(1). It gives all the relevant information top(1) does, plus all the Apache specific information provided by Apache’s mod_status module, such as request processing time, last request’s URI, number of requests served by each child, etc. In addition, it emulates the reporting functions of the top(1), mount(1), df(1) utilities. There is a special mode for mod_perl processes. It has visual alerting capabilities and a configurable automatic refresh mode. It provides a Web interface, which can be used to show or hide all sections dynamically.”

REST vs. SOAP at Amazon

tim o’reilly makes an interesting observation regarding the marketplace speaking clearly about which interface more developers prefer, at least with regards to amazon:

“Amazon has both SOAP and REST interfaces to their web services, and 85% of their usage is of the REST interface. Despite all of the corporate hype over the SOAP stack, this is pretty compelling evidence that developers like the simpler REST approach.”

martian technology does slimp3

intrigued by the new york times article on the martian netdrive, i contacted the developers to see if you could run the slimp3 server, which could make a snazzy, networked wireless music appliance. they promptly replied that they’ve been in talks with the slimp3 people and will be including the server soon, which could make this an interesting option for a few projects i have in the queue.

it’s a bit pricey at nearly $500 for the 120 gig model, and you could conceivably make something similar for less with a little ingenuity and a via eden/mini-ITX board running linux, but its priced smartly enough to make it enticing to pick up one for testing. hmmm