Category Archives: Uncategorized

ray on "extreme mobility"

it’s always educational and fun to someone like ray talk about trends in mobility and their potential impacts:

“If technology, molded into any of a variety of forms, can ultimately give us continuous awareness of the geo-location, activity, interruptability, and even potentially “state of mind” of those with whom we wish to “be close to”, what will it do to the nature of the nuclear family unit? The local community? The collaborative work team?”

a confession

all of the hullaballoo surrounding rss makes me feel dumb. i don’t understand how a spec for something as simple as syndicating content can become the center of such a soap opera. it feels like i’m missing something.

part of my problem is that, like kellan, i never really could understand how rss 1.0 got labelled as “hard”. way back in the day, before blogger supported any flavor of rss, i used xml::rss to generate my feeds. after a few cups of coffee, i’d made a quick hack that produces valid feeds. i’ll grant you that it’s not exactly a “power feed”, but it’s not like it was rocket science to figure out how to produce the feed that satisfies my needs.

so what’s the big deal? sure some things need to be clarified in certain specs and i wish echo all the best in making Cool Stuff, but do we really need so much drama?

the power of persuasion

truth. schmooth.

“And a majority, 52 percent, say they believe the United States has found clear evidence in Iraq that Saddam was working closely with the al-Qaida terrorist organization.

The number that believes this country has found weapons of mass destruction is 23 percent, down from 34 percent in May, according to a poll conducted by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland. ”

NITLE blog census

awhile back i was wondering about

worldwide blogging numbers by country

. beyond doing a few

searches i never went anywhere with the idea. and it’s a good
thing, because the
NITLE blog census

is doing a much better job that i could have done anyway. it
doesn’t directly answer the “by country” part of the question, but
there are some tantalizing nuggets in there already. and it’s
database of urls is
growing at a good clip
