it’s the beginning of the month, which means that it’s time for another rsv shot and another official weighin. we were a little surprised to see that odin has only gained a paltry 10 ounces since his rsv shot, which is the smallest rate of growth over a month we’ve seen since he was born. but the good doctor assured us it was all completely normal and not to worry.
and after hearing that odin recovered so quickly from his recent “flu”, he concluded that it wasn’t the flu at all, but rather the symptoms were probably the result of the the incredible, unedible egg. thankfully he reassured us that we hadn’t given odin salmonella poisoning or a rotten egg, but that it was simply a case of too much “rich” food in one sitting ( aha! candy was right! ).
for those keeping track with your calculators at home, i’m guessing that his new weight gains would push the cost of this single rsv shot for our million dollar baby to over $3,000. and since our insurer changed it’s policy and now refused to cover rsv shots, i’d like to thank all you law-abiding taxpayers, since medicaid is footing the bill.
but medicaid doesn’t cover home administration of rsv, so we have to go to the pediatrician’s office and hang out in a secluded room ( “safely” away from sickly, sneezing, snotty, germ infested carriers ) for over an hour. after the weigh-in, the medicine has to “mix” for 20 minutes or so, then he gets the shot and then we have to sit around for another 10 or 20 minutes to make sure he doesn’t have any adverse reactions.
of course, i can’t sit in a confined area for long periods of time without shooting a few pictures.