after 124 days the lamaze musical inchworm finds that its dirty tricks are now ineffective when matched against mighty odin.
with each passing day, we notice that odin further develops the skills required to investigate his surroundings. here, the orange patch and the red patch have captured his attention and he’s beginning the process pulling the inchworm nearer so that he can have a closer look. at one point it looked as if he were attempting to crawl closer! or maybe he was just falling over
regardless, while we’ve seen him doing pushups and sitting upright unassisted, we’re still quite amazed to see him putting everything together so he can seek out and inquire.
he’s enamored with oranges and reds and particularly oranges and reds that make crinkly sounds ( which these particular patches of orange and red in fact do make ); we suspect we can thank misscaro for him drawing the conclusion that fuzzy orange things also make crinkly sounds.