the eric update – day 218: first step?

now, i know he’s not really walking. and since he’s only just recently got the hang of sitting unassisted and hasn’t even begun to show the slightest inclination to crawl, i don’t expect him to start walking anytime soon.

but today he started to do something new when we played the “stands and smiles” game – he started taking what look quite a bit like steps. although i’m “leading” him a little, he really was lifting his leg up, bending it at the knee and moving it forward.

he’s definately been doing what his pediatrician confusingly named step reflex for quite some time, but that’s just pushing against something with his feet and not this complex, coordinated, lift-leg-bend-knee-move-foot-forward action.

i can’t seem to find any walking milestones resources that reference this pre-walking behavior, so maybe i’m making much ado over nothing, but it sure seemed exciting to us!

oh. and i really do walk around with my pants “cuffed” like that, so mock me silently if you must. somehow i’ve acquired an obsessive behavior where i simply cannot stand it when the cuffs of my pants touch the floor, hence the cuffs. of course, uncuffed pants are acceptable when wearing slippers or shoes.

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