on a recent trip to norskedalen, we did a lot more than meet a horse named ragnar.
the lefse and krumkake ladies ( and gentleman ) sure enjoyed finding out they were making food for *an* odin!
a cantakerous reindeer. mighty ornery he was, definitely not rudolph.
and they even provided marshmallow, chocolate and graham crackers, and a hot fire for making s’mores! and hot chocolate to boot!
and, of course, santa claus was in the lodge.
for the very first time, odin decided that he wanted to sit on his lap and chat about this and that.
no offense to santa but in the past he has kind-of freaked odin out
day 1982: norwegian holiday fun at norskedalen! V. from Eric C. Snowdeal III on Vimeo.
no trip to norskedalen is complete without a ride on a horse-drawn wagon! made even funner when they get going in a quick trot.
day 1982: norwegian holiday fun at norskedalen! VI. from Eric C. Snowdeal III on Vimeo.
odin really is much more excited to sing christmas carols with the elderly lady on the pump organ than he appears