how on earth is it possible that it took 1862 days for odin to have have his very first experience on a slip ‘n slide?
we finally corrected the error of our ways with one he received as a birthday gift.
much. fun. was. had.
and i suspect the what’s left of summer will be spent slip ‘n slidin’ away.
a video of fun on the slip ‘n slide. repeat 100x.
day 1862: summer’s slip ‘n slidin’ awaaaay! III. from Eric C. Snowdeal III on Vimeo.
of course, in between slip ‘n slidin’, there’s always time for playing with trains and a little improv story telling.
day 1862: summer’s slip ‘n slidin’ awaaaay! IV. from Eric C. Snowdeal III on Vimeo.