about 6 years ago, after living with horrendous allergies for my entire life, i randomly discovered that if i didn’t eat wheat ( or more properly wheat gluten ), then my allergies disappeared. poof. gone.
it was a transformative experience to discover that by simply changing my diet, my birthday no longer heralded the start of allergy induced seasonal misery.
that said, i sure did miss my favorite birthday treat, the humble carrot cake. we’ve tried various gluten free concoctions over the years and they never really tasted right. but recently we discovered pamela’s gluten free pancake and baking mix and it’s really, really good. you can substitute it one for one for flour and not have to make any other adjustments and the results are pretty close to the gluten-laden original.
if you’re sensitive to gluten give it a try. if you’ve had success with other mixes let me know, we’re looking for an organic option, but for now we’re happy to recommend pamela’s.
(wait, what? the only picture i took on my birthday was of my cake? well, i did spend the next 8 hours driving home )