kris and odin have been visiting family in grand rapids for the last eight days! eight! days! rumor has it that they’re coming back tomorrow, but if i were a betting man, i think odds are good that they may stay through this weekend. jeez, louise that’s a long time. and they even took mauja!
so, it’s a proverbial ghost town around here which might sound relaxing, but in reality there’s a whole lot of missing going on. it’s quiet. too quiet
being here all by my lonesome also reminds me once again it’s amazing, all things considered, that we only have one photograph of odin and us around the house! and that one was only recently given to us by a grandparent. the picture of he and kris instantly became his favorite and it’s not uncommon to discover that he’s grabbed in off his nightstand and slept with it clutched close to his chest.