not everyday can be filled with the super fantastic adventures. no, sometimes it’s nice to settle down in a comfortable hammock, on the grounds of a camp owned by an aunt and uncle, enjoying the sounds of waves lapping on the northern shore of the of the great lake whose name means, roughly translated from the ojibwa ( or chippewa ) word from which it’s derived – great water”.
if you keep track of such things, today would be the first day that odin laid in a hammock and i’ll never admit in public that moments after this shot was taken i tried to lay in it with him and we both fell over the side, much to the amusement everyone nearby.
for those interested in such things this bit of serene lake michigan lakeshore is called the little bay de noc and is just a mile or so from the peninsula point lighthouse on stonington peninsula near where in about 3 or 4 weeks thousands and thousands of monarch butterflies will begin their migration to mexico.