odin has been having so much fun walking (!) around with his radio flyer walker wagon ( and yes, we know it’s been very recently recalled; we’re getting replacement parts for the faulty wheel clickers. ) that he’s running out of space in the house and needs more room to really strut his stuff. so we thought it might be nice to give him a chance to walk around in the driveway or the lawn. but then we realized we only had a pair of indoor preschoolian shoes and didn’t have any shoes with treads suitable for tackling the great outdoors in style.
which, i guess, is an elaborate explanation for why we ran out and bought him some his first pair of Walking Shoes ( whoohoo! $7 on the clearance shelf at the baby gap. )!
even thought i know why we bought the shoes, as we put the them on him and i watched him crawl around on the deck, it struck me why we bought them. and even if he’s not really walking with the radio flyer walker wagon, it’s still impossible to fathom that he’s getting close to being able to run around without our aid and i couldn’t help feeling the faintest of hints of the feeling that i imagine you feel the first time your child learns to ride a bike for the first time. or goes off to school. or gets a drivers license. or goes off to college.
i can’t imagine what a sorry sap i’ll be when he waves goodbye as he heads off to school for the first time