as you might be aware, today is mother’s day! and it’s a extra special mother’s day for us since it’s kris’ first official mother’s day as a mother since odin was born.
and what shall history record was the first gift given to kris as a mother for mother’s day? i guess it’s appropriate that she humbly requested a locket, so she could always have a picture of odin near to her heart ( well, she didn’t really say the “near to my heart” part – i made that up for effect ).
i think we can find a picture or two to put in the locket
mere days after wondering when odin’s bottom incisors would break completely through his gums, i can verify that we have had the first sighting of actual tooth enamel!
they’re not sticking out very far and it’s impossible to photograph them, but they’re there! when he decided that he wanted to sooth his gums by gnawing on a granny smith, you could hear his teeth squeaking against the apple skin, which of course, i thought was the coolest sound i’d ever heard.