for some reason, while lightening the load, i didn’t sell my old nikon n50 and i’m too lazy to try and get $50 for it on ebay.
it’s a great entry level slr and i have thought maybe that i’d keep it around so that the apprentice could have an old school camera. but instead, i’ve decided that you can send him a postcard for the postcard project and let odin know why you think you’d be a worthy owner of his camera.
the most creative answer – as judged by myself – will win the camera ( bonus points will be awarded for creative answers on creative postcards ). all entries must be postmarked by may 31st, 2005. the contest is only for an n50 body – lenses are not included.
send entries to:
the postcard project camera contest
c/o eric c snowdeal iv
p.o. box 1514
grand rapids, mi 49501-1514
obviously, you’ll want to include your name and address on the postcard, so i know where to send the camera if you win.
i have no idea if anyone will be interested in this, so if you’re the only one who sends a postcard, you’ll have a pretty good chance of winning it