ooof. i’ve behind again on the i the postcard project. not only do i not even have all the postcards uploaded from when odin was in the hospital, but we’re still getting cards from all over the world.
today i went to the postoffice and picked up a new batch of cards from all sorts of exciting locations including the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station which is in anarctica and; according to wikipedia, that means the odin has received a postcard from the, “…southernmost continually-inhabited place on the planet”. whooohooo!
cari corrigan is there collecting meteorites and doing some extreme skidoo training and says that she has roped all her teammates into checking up on odin.
since we’ve promised to try and visit every place from which we receive a postcard, i’m wondering if maybe we should contact national geographic to see if they’ll sponsor us to travel all over the world
i don’t know if cari is back or if she’s still there. either way, i hope she’s having/had a blast and thanks so much for thinking of odin while you were on your own exciting adventure.
[ see the postcard project slideshow. ]