when i was interviewed by salon for a overview piece about flickr, i could understand why odin was edited out in favor a healthy baby born to two moms who live in berkeley. it’s an easier story to tell in the space provided and the “two moms” angle certainly would play well with the salon demographic. and, of course, writing about moms and their babies is sort of like writing about, well, moms and apple pie.
today i see that none other than the new york times has written an article about parent blogs. sure, i didn’t even get interviewed, but that’s not really the point (really. sniff.). what’s irksome is that the article is titled “Mommy (and Me)”. that’s right. not “Mommy and Daddy (and Me), just Mommy (and Me). and the header graphic shows a mom and her daughter. and 90 percent of the links in the article are to mothers writing online. granted, there are two links to blogs written by dads, but one is the trixie update and you can’t not write an article about parent blogs without mentioning the trixie update. conveniently, the other daddy blogger mentioned fits into the mold of the dad-as-the-breadwinner stereotype as he gets about two sentences of copy wherein we learn that he hopes the blog will, “help him sell a manuscript he has written about being a father”. nice.
maybe i’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but i can’t help wondering if i’m witnessing a bit of cultural bias. certainly it can’t be because the blog is uninteresting
but i guess i can’t complain too much since the web is the web and i can always ignore the old gray lady and her reinforcement of cultural biases. there’s always bound to be something more interesting over at daddytypes anyhows.