we’ll bend the rules a bit and include our own holiday postcard in the postcard project. it’s our project so i guess we can do whatever we like
after contemplating many different designs we ended us choosing to go with one that was inspired by the flickr postcard. i should probably mention that the pooh quote was originally posted on day 11 – the call on a very small animal.
hopefully nobody will be too upset that they are getting their card a little later than planned. we barely squeaked this one out and just got the cards back from the kinkos today. it’s a little hard to tell unless you look at a large version of image, but the card has over a hundred images of odin from the day he was born through just last week and our Really Big Field Trip. the images are sequenced so that as you can scan from the top left corner across the rows to see a natural progression of each week of odin’s life.
we’d wish we could send these out to everyone who sent us a postcard with a return address, but i’ll have to see how many we have left after getting them out to close friends and family before i make any promises.
it’s obviously been quite a year for us and we’re grateful for all the support and well wishes we’ve received from people we know and people we don’t know.
so, happy holidays from us to you!
[ see the postcard project slideshow. ]