grandpa and grandma snowdeal came into town which was really nice because we didn’t get to see them christmas .
grandpa snowdeal proves he’s not too old to get on the floor as him and odin play with his new gymini 3d activity gym which is obviously designed with a toddler’s interests in mind what with all the high contrast shapes and patterns. you never know if it’s just a bunch of marketing hullabaloo, but the gymini products have won a bevy of awards and odin seems to enjoy it, so if you’re in the market for such things you can feel that much more comfortable that it has his seal of approval.
there’s a mirror on the bottom of one of the dangling toys and i could be mistaken, but he seems to be quite interested in looking at himself and i guess i can’t say that i blame him
drats! the visit with the grandparents is over far too quickly and odin enjoys one of what will be countless kisses from grandma snowdeal.