shhhhhh. be be vewy vewy quiet, we’re hunting wabbi…er…christmas trees!
today was odin’s five month birthday and we decided to celebrate by taking him out to get his first christmas tree!
some micropreemie parents might cringe at the prospect of taking him outdoors for an extended period of time, but it was unseasonably warm and we decided that as long as he seemed warm enough that it’d be fun to have him come along. normally we might spend hours trying to find The Perfect Tree, but this year we promised ourselves we’d get in and get out quick.
ahhh, but there’s a kink in our plan to get in and get out quick! all the trees at the christmas tree farm are small! and to complicate matters, as per the household arrangements for the snowdeal show ®, we need to get more than one christmas tree for each floor of the house that we own with kris’ sister and her partner, diane.
the sisters, kris and gina, quickly hatch an unorthodox plan; rather than get two big trees, we’ll just get four small trees. one will go on the third floor of the big ol’ victorian and the other three will go on the first floor, arranged to form some sort of vaguely defined christmas tree ensemble.
i quickly come to realize that my norman rockwellian vision of christmas is not going to happen and that it’s probably best to just go with it.
in retrospect, i suppose if you’re eric c. snowdeal iv and you’re born on the fourth of july it’s only appropriate that you have four christmas trees in the house for your first christmas.
of course, no adventure involving christmas trees would be complete without a little hot cocoa with marshmallows.