grandma and grandpa snowdeal were nice enough to come into town and watch little odin while kris and ran some errands – not least of which being voting in the u.s. election.
odin is obviously quite happy to see grandma ( and grandpa ) again and it was nice to know we were leaving them in such capable hands.
there were long lines at the voting location all day long. and our precinct is notorious for being a ghost town even during presidential elections.
there were several people milling around who were helping first-timers through the voting process and apparently one man had been there all day long while they tried to get him a provisional ballot.
the woman standing in front of front of us had some issues because her name was crossed off the list as having already voted earlier in the day, but for some reason they let her vote again. a girl standing next to us claimed that she had seen it happen twice just while she was standing in line.
vote early and vote often
later, odin would be mesmerized by the bright lights and the incessant blather of the talking heads on the television.