the eric update – day 119: first halloween!

in our previous lives as non-parents, kris and i weren’t very into halloween. but this year i found myself wanting to celebrate little odin’s first official Big Holiday ( well, other than the fourth of july of course. so, at the last minute we rushed to our local target and found the only costume they had left for a 0-3 month old, which happened to be a dalmation outfit.

he wasn’t really to impressed with the whole process of being forced to wear an the enourmous costume ( it’a little hard to tell, but the pants are pulled up to his armpits ) and eventually we had to bring in the supersized paci for additional support.

cadence stops by to inspect the new, curious looking dalmation outfit. despite being momentarily perplexed, she decides that the little odin isn’t going to give her any treats and goes about her merry way.

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