we visited an aunt and uncle of odin’s this evening and they had some pictures of their son, mitchel, who looks like he could have been odin’s twin brother. the picture of mitchel was taken when he was around a month old which is only a couple of weeks older than odin is now ( speaking in age adjusted terms of course ). since odin looks so much like his cousin now, it’ll be fun to see if looks just as similar 10 months from now. as you can see from the picture, odin will have to put on a bit more baby fat in just a few short months.
odin’s shirt was made by his grandma salmi. sisu is a finnish word that means “stamina, perserverance, courage, and determination held in reserve for hard times”, which we think is a perfect motto for little odin.
now that the weather is getting a little cooler, we’ve adorned his car seat with a “bundle me” fleece insert which keeps him quite warm during trips outdoors. we purchased the “bundle me” on the advice of another micropreemie parent and it really is a handy way to keep him warm. you can even completely zip the cover shut on the chance you find yourself surrounded in public by the sneezy, unwashed masses.