well there wasn’t much going on today, except the requisite sleeping and growing ( and feeding ) that is all part of the territory of having a newborn in the house. in fact, it’s amazing how quickly things seem to returning to “normal”. other than other than dealing with his home monitor ( loose lead alarms, batteries not staying charged lead wires getting in the way while changing his diaper etc. etc. ) or having to be constantly on guard against putting him into situations that might lead to him getting sick, i’d say that our daily life is quickly settling into a routine. although even as write those words, i wonder if in a week i’ll be regretting letting myself think such optimistic thoughts.
i’m thinking that as things settle down, i’m going to probably move towards creating something that looks more like the excellent “10 years of my life” project with occasional posts that look more like the trixie update. in other words, i’d like to see if i can keep up taking at least one picture a day for the indefinite future, but you’ll probably see a lot less verbiage associate with the photos. while it might be bordering on obsessive compulsive, i think it might be interesting to create a continuous record of the changes that little odin is going through, even if some days are a little less interesting than others. i’m sure i’ll still produce the occasional longer post detailing significant milestones, but it will probably be a lot less frequently than it has been in the past.
oh, before i forget, i finally made a trip to the post office and picked up quite a few more postcards! even though we’re not in the nicu anymore, you can still feel free to send odin a postcard any ol’ time you want. i really am still working on a way to best show where all the cards are coming from and what they look like.
also – a bit of administravia – don’t be suprised if i change the structure of the site around in the coming days to weeks. “ex machina” existed for a long time before “the eric update” came along and if i get around to posting about the geeky, boring topics that i’ve been rambling on about for nearly five years, it might be nice to keep things separate. people who want to come for the photos and “eric updates” can come for the that while the old school “regulars” might be happy to see me return to the superdork topics that seemed to occupy so much of my time.