is this here comment thingy turned on?

check. check. check.

update: i suppose that it’s funny that i can’t get comments working. i think i followed the directions. honest.

update: yeeesh. o.k. somehow i got some bad comment tags in the template. who knows how that happened. and after i fixed them i see a little comment link, but bad, bad things happen if you click on the link. i’m not really trying to make some kind of usability point. i really, honestly can’t get comments working. if anyone has any ideas, er, i guess email me. i’m guesing that it has to do with the new fancy-schmancy pretty-url redirect scheme colliding with my relative url pointing to my css file?

update: o.k. don’t use relative urls to point to your css files. otherwise the pretty-url redirect breaks. i don’t think i like that. amusingly, now that i fixed the css problem, clicking on the “comments” link doesn’t actually appear to do anything. i must be missing something obvious, because it can’t really be this difficult.

update: that was painful, but it’s working now.

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