
  • Internet
    Archive: Petabox

    hack the planet

    [ “The petabox by the Internet Archive is a machine designed to
    safely store and process one petabyte of information (a
    petabyte is a million gigabytes).” ]

  • quickmba


    [ “Topics are presented as frameworks and summaries in the
    various subjects of business administration, as taught in the
    world’s top MBA programs.” ]

  • Why
    do links on blogger.com (and in comments) redirect through
    google.com and blogger.com?


    [ “Comment spamming for PageRank will simply not work via
    Blogger comments…” ]

  • The New Blogger

    [ “Can’t say what else is in the pipeline for additions to the
    dashboard, but users can most likely expect many more changes
    and new features in the near future.” ]

  • google blog

    [ “We’re going to post stuff here – regular bloggy things: What Larry had for breakfast. What Sergey thinks of that Hellboy movie. Which Dawson’s Creek character reminds us most of Eric.” ]

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