kris saw my post about
what i wanted for christmas
and ended up getting me an
, which comes complete with the industry standard
software package. the setup was a bit of a pain, mainly because it
took me a long time to discover that the version of protools that
shipped with the mbox isn’t compatible with
, but a software update from
fixed the situation.
now, my only problem is that my old
seymour duncan “woody” pickup
for my
doesn’t sound so hot. everything sounds thin and tinny, which is
certainly not the natural, warm tone of the guitar. i think i’ll
probably have to invest in a good condenser mike soon. i think i
used to have one, but who knows where it went. in any case, it’ll
be fun to roll up my sleeves and do a little recording, as i think
it might be close to ten years since i’ve put anything down.